Your Defense Against Over .08 Charges
An Over 80/.08 charge, though distinct from impaired driving charges, is often interconnected and can significantly impact your legal standing. Accord Attorneys & Solicitors specializes in providing legal guidance and representation to individuals facing Over 80 charges in Regina, Saskatchewan, navigating through the complexities of the legal system.
If your blood-alcohol level reaches 80 milligrams or more per 100 millilitres of blood, you are considered "Over the Legal Alcohol Limit." Police have the authority to demand breath or blood samples if they suspect impairment or if your alcohol level surpasses the legal limit. These tests aim to ascertain the presence and quantity of alcohol or drugs in your blood.
Consequences for First, Second, and Subsequent ConvictionsThe penalties for Over 80 convictions vary based on the readings:First Conviction: Fines ranging from $1000 to $2000, with a minimum 1-year driving prohibition and eligibility for Ignition Interlock (blow box).Second Conviction: Minimum 30-day jail sentence, a 2-year driving prohibition, and a three-month ineligibility period for Ignition Interlock.Third Conviction or More: Minimum 120-day jail sentence, a 3-year driving prohibition, and a six-month ineligibility period for Ignition Interlock.
At Accord Attorneys & Solicitors, we recognize the serious implications of Over 80 charges in Regina. Our legal team is dedicated to exploring your options and formulating a strategic defence tailored to your case. Schedule a free, no-commitment consultation to discuss your situation, understand the potential consequences, and chart the best course of action for your defence. Your rights and legal standing are our priority.
For a detailed discussion about your case, reach out to our lawyers for assistance. We're here to attentively listen, understand your situation, and offer comprehensive legal guidance. Don't hesitate to give us a call; our dedicated team of lawyers is ready to assist you with any legal matters you may have.
Call us: 1-306-352-2525 or 080-3326-9078